The Water Body Explorer aims to help you explore your area, identify issues, partners, and activities quickly, and access information about the water environment.
The main map displays the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) Partnership boundaries. Select "Rivers Trusts" to highlight those boundaries instead.
The darker areas on the map represent overlapping regions.
Select a region on the map to view details about all of the contained water bodies.
The Water Body Explorer aims to help you explore your area, identify issues, partners, and activities, and access information about the water environment.
All data is taken directly from government open data platforms and links to the original data are provided.
More boundary layers? See the About page.
Each water body is coloured by its overall status. Additionally, the locations with a Reasons for Not Achieving Good are indicated by a flag, in total there are:
Medium Term Plans relating to operational catchments are marked on the map with a green icon. Hovering over this icon will highlight the operational catchment area. There may also be additional MTPs relating to a wider area. These are not shown here.
For further details about projects and available data you should contact your catchment coordinators directly:
Select more water bodies? Go back to the "Select catchment area" tab.
The catchment coordinators are listed below. They are shown for each operational catchment containing a currently selected water body. Source data (Environment Agency)
The Rivers Trust boundaries and websites are retrieved from a Rivers Trust ArcGIS Online web app. Source data (The Rivers Trust)
The reasons for not achieve good are sourced directly from the EA's CDE website. Follow the links within the table for individual sources.
The Medium Term Plans have been privately shared. Only a limited subset of the data is displayed within this platform.
RiverWiki includes a huge number of projects. See RiverWiki Main page and RiverWiki England projects .
This Water Body Explorer is a demonstration for potential improvements to the main CDE, or as a hub for finding projects. Successful features may be adopted by the CDE proper, while others may be out of scope for the CDE and be developed as a stand-alone platform. This demo does not intend to duplicate or replace existing platforms, only to supplement or improve upon them.
Jumping Rivers in collaboration with the Environment Agency and The Water Hub, an ERDF funded project.
Development of the application shown here is complete for now. We will respond to queries over the next several months. We may fix a few bugs or clarify some text. Many of the data sources have required manual processing to enable clean presentation here. If you find any of the features useful we would love to know about it so that we can investigate developing some automation and providing future updates.
Right now, all the data is loaded up front so that whilst using it, the app is responsive. This enables us (and you!) to maximise available features. In the future, we might look to optimise production to load only what's needed at the time.
You can select as many catchment areas as you like, simply go back to the “Select catchment area” tab, and click on the areas that you wish to select.
Don't panic! There is a “Clear all” button on the Overview tab.
You can select just one water body by searching on the overview page and clicking “Add”.
We are displaying the latest overall status of each water body. There are many other statuses in the raw data, these can be viewed on the EA's Catchment Data Explorer for individual water bodies. We provide a link to each EA CDE page from the water body overview page.
If it's data you're after, the EA's Catchment Data Downloader allows you to use any geojson file to filter available data sets.
Our map includes both CaBA Partnerships and Rivers Trusts already to demonstrate the flexibility of selecting water bodies by custom shapes. To include more boundaries we need good quality shape files, and then we must process the data to determine overall status and contained water bodies/projects. If you have a set of boundaries that you think people may find useful, let us know.
We would love to include everyone's environmental/water related projects. To place projects on a map we need a database with at minimum a name, URL, and location. The location may be a single point or a whole catchment. There are currently several platforms hosting such data. Which one are you using? Get in touch!
Please, get in touch and send us an e-mail.